
An overview of Business Analysis Models

A model is a visual representation of information used to efficiently arrange and convey a lot of information in a concise manner.

Models can be used for business objectives, requirements, business rules, and design.

Business analysis models are helpful in finding gaps in information and identifying extraneous information.

Categories of Models

The business analysis models can be organized into five categories as listed below.

Scope ModelsOrganize the scope of the business domain being analyzed • Goal and business objectives model
• Ecosystem map
• Context diagram
Feature model
• Organizational chart
• Use case diagram
• Decomposition model
• Fishbone diagram
• Interrelationship diagram
SWOT diagram
Process ModelsDescribe the business processes and how stakeholders interact with those processes • Process flow
Use case
User story
Rule ModelsDescribe the business rules • Business rules catalog
• Decision tree
• Decision table
Data ModelsDocument the data used in a process or system • Entity relationship diagram
• Data flow diagram
• Data dictionary
• State table
• State diagram
Interface ModelsDescribe the interfaces between systems • Report table
System interface table
• User interface flow
• Wireframes
• Display-action-response
Last updated: July 10, 2024