Risk Management Terms

Simplified definitions of common risk management terms used in project management

Residual Risks

  • Risks that remain after risk response planning
  • Risks that we simply accept (we’ll deal with it if it happens)

Secondary Risks

  • Risks that arise as a direct result of implementing a risk response

Contingency Plans

  • Plans to deal with residual risks

Fallback Plans

  • Plan B (if Contingency Plan doesn’t work)

Risk Owner

  • An individual responsible for identifying and implementing risk responses

Known-Unknowns (or Knowns)

  • Identified in risk management

Unknown-Unknowns (or Unknowns)

  • Not identified in risk management

Contingency Reserves

  • Are established for residual risks that are actively accepted
  • Can be established for time and/or cost
  • Cover for Known-Unknowns

Management Reserves

Risk Triggers

  • Indications that a risk has occurred or about to occur
  • Early warning signs of risks
  • Are conditions for invoking contingency plans

Risk Tolerance

  • The degree or amount of risk that an organization or individual can tolerate or withstand

Risk Threshold

  • The point beyond which an event or risk becomes unacceptable and a response should be triggered


  • List of non-critical/non-top risks
  • Monitored regularly


  • An unplanned response to a risk that has already occurred
  • They are “corrective” actions

Active Risk Acceptance

  • Device a contingency plan

Passive Risk Acceptance

  • Take no action except to document the risk and let the project team deal with the risk as it occurs

Risk Averse

  • Reluctant to take risks

Risk Exposure

  • An aggregate measure of the potential impact of all risks at any given point in time in a project, program, or portfolio


  • A risk that has already occurred
  • Will impact the project negatively
  • Has an issue owner
  • Refer to Risk vs Issue for more details

Related Articles

  1. Cost Budget and Reserves
  2. Risk Response Strategies
  3. Risk vs Issue
Last updated: September 26, 2024