Sprint Changes

Practical guidance for handling changes mid-sprint in Agile projects


A core principle of Scrum, a widely used agile framework, is that the sprint backlog is not supposed to be changed once the sprint starts. This principle aims to provide the development team with a focused timeframe to work on the agreed-upon tasks without disruptions.

However, the real world of software development is rarely so neat and tidy. New information often arises mid-sprint.

How to Handle Changes Mid-Sprint

Here’s how changes are typically handled in agile when they come up mid-sprint:

Initial Assessment

  1. Impact and Urgency: The Product Owner, often in collaboration with the team and stakeholders, assesses the potential impact of the change on the sprint goal and the product. They also determine the urgency of incorporating the change.

  2. Goal vs. Backlog: It’s crucial to differentiate between the sprint goal (what the team commits to achieving in the sprint) and the sprint backlog (the list of tasks to achieve the goal). Minor changes that don’t derail the sprint goal might be absorbed within the existing sprint backlog.

Options for Adaptation

  1. Continue as Planned: If the change is minor or doesn’t jeopardize the sprint goal, the team may choose to continue with the existing sprint backlog and address the change in the next sprint.

  2. Negotiation and Adjustment: For more significant changes, the Product Owner discusses the impact with the team. If the team agrees the change is critical and achievable within the sprint timeframe, they might swap out a similar-sized task from the sprint backlog to accommodate the new work. This ensures the sprint goal remains achievable.

  3. Sprint Cancellation (Rare): In rare cases, if the change is substantial and fundamentally impacts the sprint goal or product direction, the Product Owner might discuss canceling the sprint with the team. This allows for a thorough re-planning and re-prioritization.

Key Considerations

  1. Transparency: Open communication is paramount. Any changes or potential impacts are discussed transparently with the team and stakeholders.
  2. Collaboration: Decisions about how to handle changes are made collaboratively, involving the Product Owner, development team, and relevant stakeholders.
  3. Value Focus: The focus remains on delivering value. Changes are assessed based on their potential impact on the product and the overall project goals.
Last updated: September 21, 2024